Stacey Greb
REALTOR/ Auctioneer Oklahoma
Stacey and her husband Steven live on the Salt Fork Ranch where they manage the family cow-calf operation, as well as a grass-fed, grass-finished beef business. The ranch is abundant with wildlife, like whitetail deer, dove, turkey and quail which offers the opportunity to share hunting experiences with guests, friends and family. The Greb’s are members of the Oklahoma and Texas and Southwest Cattle Raisers Associations, Quail Coalition and National Wild Turkey Federation.
Stacey is grateful to live in rural Oklahoma. Life is just more peaceful and relaxing in the country. United Country and UC Hunting Properties Powered by RealTree were the obvious choice for her. When she read on their website, “We’ve helped America rediscover a dream that’s as old as America itself; love of the land and the dream of owning property” she knew that they felt the same way she did. This appreciation for the land and the ability to share it with others is why she chose real estate as her career.
She is eager to help you with all of your real estate needs and happy to show you all that Southwest Oklahoma has to offer.